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2019 09 05

Press release

Let’s be responsible: Baltic Sea seals need your help

Every year an increasing number of injured birds and seals that have suffered from human activities are found along the coast of Baltic Sea. As well as more than 20 stray and exhausted seals pups. Affected animals are being treated at the Lithuanian sea museum, even though there are no specialized facilities for their treatment and rehabilitation. Tour operator “Novaturas” is starting a partnership with the Lithuanian sea museum and is launching a fundraising campaign to establish a modern Baltic sea animals rehabilitation center. 

“We are the biggest tour operator in the Baltic States and this status obliges us not only to take care of our business, our customers, but also to constantly look for partnership opportunities that are meaningful and have long-lasting value. We contribute to the preservation of the environment, engage in the projects that help solving social problems, raising a positive image of Lithuania in the foreign countries. We are very excited to announce this new partnership with the Lithuanian sea museum”, - says company’s CEO Mrs. Audronė Keinytė.

Lithuania has about 90 km of the Baltic Sea coastline, but there is no special facility in Baltic countries where sea animals could get needed treatment, would be prepared to return and survive in their natural environment.  The Baltic sea seals are being treated in Poland, Germany, and there is no such "hospital" in Lithuania.

“While cultivating fishing and other various activities in the Baltic Sea and on its coastline, we have to take responsibility for the impact we make to the animals of the Baltic sea. The Ministry of Environment and the Lithuanian sea museum have already laid a solid foundation for the construction of a rehabilitation center, but the funds available are not sufficient. This great project requires everyone’s goodwill. Our mission is to invite, mobilize and enable all of us with the possibility to contribute to the project of building modern Baltic sea animal rehabilitation center”, - explains Mrs. A. Keinytė. 

Tour operator “Novaturas” will carry out this project in all the Baltic States. While purchasing “Novaturas” trip online or at a travel agency customers in all three markets will be able to contribute a voluntary contribution of 3, 5 or 10 euros to the construction project of the Baltic sea animal rehabilitation center. All the money raised will be transferred to the Lithuanian sea museum.

“We will talk about this project to members of the tourism community, our clients, we have planned educational events together with Lithuanian sea museum and we will invite other companies to join this mission. Baltic gray seals are rare and endangered species. These seals have been living in the Baltic sea for 10,000 years and from our contribution depends whether they remain in their home - the Baltic Sea”, - invites to join the project CEO of the company.  

About the project:
Every year the number of injured animals found in the Baltic Sea increases. The Lithuanian sea museum does not have any specialized facilities for their treatment and rehabilitation, therefore, in order to help as many sea animals as possible, construction of the Baltic sea animal rehabilitation center for the treatment and restoration of seals, various birds is started.

AB “Novaturas” contributes to the implementation of this project and undertakes to transfer all the money raised to the Lithuanian sea museum. The received support will be used for the construction of the Baltic sea animal rehabilitation center. Both parties fulfill their obligations free of charge.