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2022 10 14

Preliminary financial results for 09 month of 2022 - record breaking revenue in the history of Novaturas

In September, “Novaturas” group served 32 thousand customers, and the group’s revenue amounted to EUR 24 million. In total, during January – September, the company served 216 thousand customers, 75% more than the same period last year. Cumulative January – September turnover reached EUR 153 million and was twice higher than the corresponding time in 2021. 

"We are ending the third quarter of this year with solid sales results. We have improved the results of each month of the third quarter both in terms of the number of travelers served and the revenue generated if compared with the same months of 2021. September alone also stands out as the strongest month in history of “Novaturas” in terms of generated revenue", - says Vitalij Rakovski, head of “Novaturas” group.

Solid results of the third quarter and balanced program of the final quarter allow the group of companies to look at the remaining months of this year as well as the whole year of 2022 with confidence. "In October, we have also launched the early bookings of next year's summer holiday season, bringing the full range of 15 destinations available to the market. Positive market reaction allows us to assume that already this year we will create a solid foundation for a successful summer season of 2023," says V. Rakovski.