Novaturas Group, the biggest tour operator in the Baltics, has introduced a new business strategy for 2023-2025. The company has raised ambitious goals for growth and regional leadership, focusing on four main areas:
- technological advancement
- improvement of traveler experience & choices
- more sustainable trips
- involvement of the whole team

One of the main areas where Novaturas will invest in the next three years will be the introduction and employment of technological solutions and automated tools. The company will present a renewed website, where it will be much easier for travelers to book their trips. The demand for trips booked online is growing, so it’s imperative to ensure the best possible user experience.
Yet another goal is to increase the variety of trips offered by consolidating the supply of flights and hotels — a dynamic packaging solution. Reacting to an especially dynamic environment and growing competition in the market, Novaturas will seek to employ pricing tools that are based on algorithms, which will allow the company to offer better prices to clients and to increase shareholder earnings. Technological solutions will help transform the activity of the company from a traditional travel operator to an integrated one.
The company has identified another crucial facet of its strategy, which is to enhance the customer experience by ensuring high flight punctuality, appropriate hotel offerings, impeccable service and the continued service expansion.
The new strategy identifies sustainability as one of the priority focus areas. The company aims to achieve its environmental goals by reducing its CO2 emissions. The most significant contribution to this will be made through new partnerships with airlines that use modern, fuel-efficient aircraft and the partial application of an emissions offsetting mechanism. In addition to more environmentally friendly flights, Novaturas will provide travelers with clearer information about hotels that adhere to sustainability standards, as well as prioritize traveler education.
The fourth component of the new strategy is employee engagement. The company is striving to be an attractive employer by taking real action, such as offering organizational structure and encouraging professional growth. Talent development will ensure to keep the position as a center of competence.
More information about strategic directions and guidelines
Presentation of the strategy for 2023-2025 (PDF)
Presentation of the strategy (audio):